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Gallery Show Details
Through the Bramble
Thursday, June 6 2024 - Wednesday, June 26 2024
Agora Gallery
530 West 25th, New York, NY 10001
New York, NY 10001
United States
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Agora Gallery is pleased to announce Through the Bramble, an exhibition of paintings and sculptures considering how space, size, and scale influence the perception of our surroundings.

Imagine for a moment: what if we were small, minuscule even, no larger than a bug? How would the world suddenly appear to us? In this whimsical yet thought-provoking exploration, the natural world takes on a surreal and fantastical quality. Innocent flower petals transform into menacing fangs, while regal bee queens become strange, grotesque creatures with bulging eyes. Frail blades of grass tower like insurmountable pylons, and tranquil ponds swell into vast, sprawling oceans. Spirited figures come out of the woodwork, pavement shadows hover like ghosts, and hazy lands enshroud us in their mystical embrace. Transcending the perimeters of the physical plane, we may suddenly melt into a formless state of bliss, bouncing back and forth against the walls of reality and finally piercing through.

From monumental to miniature, the works featured in this exhibition defy conventional spatial dimensions, offering viewers a fresh and invigorating perspective on the world around us, and inviting us to explore the boundless possibilities of imagination.

Exhibition Dates: June 6 - June 26, 2024
Opening Reception: June 6, 2024, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Gallery Location: 530 West 25th, New York, NY 10001

About Agora Gallery

Agora Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery located in the heart of Chelsea’s fine art district in New York. Established in 1984, Agora Gallery specializes in connecting art dealers and collectors with national and international artists. The art gallery’s expert consultants are available to assist corporate and private clients in procuring original artwork to meet their organization’s specific needs and budget requirements. With a strong online presence and popular online gallery, ARTmine, coupled with the spacious and elegant physical gallery space, the work of our talented artists, who work in diverse media and styles, can receive the attention it deserves. Over the years, Agora Gallery has sponsored and catered to special events aimed at fostering social awareness and promoting the use of art to help those in need.

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